Working Holiday Insurance

* Coverage for 12 months from effective date

AIG Working Holiday Insurance Benefits

The Working Holiday Scheme is a bilateral arrangement agreement signed between the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and many other governments to allow young people from Hong Kong to work overseas.   AIG’s working holiday insurance provides comprehensive protection for young people participating in this program so they can experience their dreams without worrying about insurance coverage for overseas destinations, such as Australia. We provide emergency support and assistance should you fall ill or have an accident.

24/7 Self-owned Emergency Assistance Service
Comprehensive Medical and Personal Accident
Full Year Overseas Coverage in Working Holiday Destinations
Coverage on Leisure Trip Outside the Working Holiday Destinations
Trip Curtailment Protection

Flexible plans, from HKD$1,857

  • 24/7 Tourism Emergency Support Travel Assistance Service
  • Emergency medical expenses and assistance
  • Trip Curtailment protection
  • Emergency evacuation (two-way)
  • Cover for personal belongings
  • Personal Liability
  • Travel Delay
  • Baggage Delay

#The above information is for reference only. For the full benefit table, detailed terms & conditions and exclusions please refer to our brochure or click Buy Now.


Benefits Basic Plan Premier Plan
Maximum Benefits (HKD$)

Personal Accident - Accident while in a Common Carrier

Personal Accident - Other Accidents

Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains

Overseas Hospital Income

Compassionate Visit

Compassionate Death Cash

Journey Curtailment

Baggage and Personal Effect

Travel Document

Personal Liability

Baggage Delay

Travel Delay


Kidnapping Benefit


Medical Expenses


*The above information is for reference only. Please refer to the policy documents for detailed terms and conditions and exclusions or click Buy Now

Benefits Basic Plan Premier Plan
Maximum Benefits (HKD$)

Personal Accident - Accident while in a Common Carrier

$780,000 $780,000

Personal Accident - Other Accidents

$390,000 $390,000

Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains

$780,000 $1,950,000

Overseas Hospital Income

$3,900 $3,900

Compassionate Visit

$23,400 $23,400

Compassionate Death Cash

$15,600 $15,600

Journey Curtailment

$23,400 $23,400

Baggage and Personal Effect

$19,500 $19,500

Travel Document

$7,800 $7,800

Personal Liability

$1,950,000 $1,950,000

Travel Delay

X $3,120

Baggage Delay

X $780

Kidnapping Benefit

X $78,000

Medical Expenses

X $780,000

*The above information is for reference only. Please refer to the policy documents for detailed terms and conditions and exclusions or click Buy Now

Compare Basic Plan and Premier Plan

AIG working holiday insurance gives you comprehensive protection for your overseas working holiday in countries. We cover your emergency medical expenses and provide a range of other personal protection features.

Basic and Premier plans cater for the needs of young people exploring the world through working holidays.

Basic Plan

  • Personal accident protection
  • Emergency medical transportation and transportation costs
  • Overseas hospital cash allowance
  • Emergency medical evacuation


Premier Plan

  • In addition to the benefits offered by the Basic Plan, the Premier Plan also provides additional coverage for:
  • Journey delay
  • Baggage delay
  • Kidnapping protection
  • Medical expenses

How To Buy Working Holiday Insurance

Receive a quote within minutes and purchase a working holiday insurance policy online in just 4 easy steps.


  1.Provide trip information

Enter details about the trip.


  2.Select the preferred plan

Choose the Single or Annual plan.


  3.Fill out personal details

Provide personal information about the traveller.


  4.Payment and Confirmation

Pay online, and the system will successfully issue the policy.

AIG Travel Insurance Customer Stories

Even if life encounters unexpected challenges, AIG's comprehensive and highly flexible travel insurance products can fully protect you and help you worry-free.

Our travel insurance products are committed to putting the interests of customers first, and the processing of claims is efficient and fast.  

Read the following real travel insurance customer stories from our customers to understand how we put customers first. 

Why AIG?

AIG’s 24/7 Emergency Support Center focuses on the needs of AIG customers who travel overseas.
Our team is fluent in 40 different languages, and is always available to provide responsive, practical advice and assistance through our support hotline.

Our efficient and dedicated 24-hour medical support team consists of professional doctors and nurses available to provide emergency support or medical advice around the world.


Any legal Hong Kong resident aged between 18 to 31 and granted the working holiday visa or relevant document which is issued by any participating country under the Working Holiday Scheme (Please visit website at for the details of the participating countries)

Please press “Buy Now” above or refer to our brochure for premium charges

This policy effective date must be same as, or earlier than the Insured Person’s Departure Date from Hong Kong.

In the event of loss, written notice of claim should be submitted to AIG Hong Kong within thirty (30) days after the occurrence , together with all relevant documents. 

In order to help us to deal with your claims, you should provide all the supporting documents to substantiate your claim. Complete documentation will prevent any delay in your claim assessment as additional time may be required to obtain the requisite information.

Upon receipt of sufficient documents, we will assess your claim accordingly. The result of your claim submission will be sent to you shortly.

For detailed claims procedure, please check travel claims procedure.

You can call our emergency service team 24/7 at (852) 3516-8699

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Enquiry Hotline

3666 7022



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