1. Proof of Fraudulent Charges;
2. Copy of the police report;
3. Cardholder's statement of account showing the account is open and in good standing at the time of filing the claim;
4. All other relevant documents we may ask you to provide (e.g. Bank confirmation regarding no refund).
Download Fraudulent Charges Protection claim form
1. Copy of purchase receipt showing payment of the item was made entirely with the Eligible Card;
2. Shipment tracking number and name of designated transportation company used for delivery of goods;
3. Copy of communication informing the seller of non-delivery/incomplete delivery and/or improper functioning due to damage of delivered Goods and the attempts to recovery the loss;
4. Photo showing the damage
Download E-Purchase Protection claim form
1. Copy of the police report;
2. Proof of residency during the time the disputed charges occurred, the loan was made, or the other event took place (e.g. a copy of a rental/leasing agreement, utility bill or insurance bill etc);
3. Original report for additional expenses incurred
4. All other relevant documents we may ask you to provide.
Download Identity Theft Protection claim form
1. Copy of Police report.
2. Original receipt showing the price of the wallet, if claiming for the wallet
3. Receipts or invoices copy of application fees to replace lost personal papers or payment cards
4. All other relevant documents we may ask you to provide.
Download Wallet Guard Protection claim form
1. Original purchase receipts of the properties lost or theft.
2. Copy of Police report (only for loss caused by theft, burglary or robbery).
3. Proof of residency (e.g. a copy of a rental/leasing agreement, utility bill or insurance bill etc);
4. Original Receipt of replacement from locksmith
5. For vehicle key, copy of the Hong Kong Motor Vehicle Registration Book
6. All other relevant documents we may ask you to provide.
Download Key Replacement Protection claim form
Tips: Ways to submit supporting documents

Available Payment Methods

*Faster Payment System (FPS) is only applicable for claims payment amount under HKD10,000.
- This note is for your guidance only and does not vary the terms of the Policy or form part thereof. AIG reserves the right to amend these requirements or seek additional information to support each claim.
- HKFI Insurance Fraud Prevention Claims Database (IFPCD) details
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