Commercial Crime

Protecting your business when fraud happens



AIG has a wealth of experience and knowledge to serve your business. Read our Capability Guide to see how we can help you.

Learn more about the risks facing companies today and tomorrow in our KNOWLEDGE & INSIGHTS CENTRE.


Safeguarding more than money

We protect companies because we know that financial loss is not the only impact of commercial crime. Real protection understands that it is also important to help retain disappointed customers, revive a damaged brand and boost employee morale. 

Guarding against the inside job

It can be hard to fathom that your own staff might be stealing from you. Unfortunately, the truth is that it may be the most trusted and senior staff who have the knowledge to skirt round security and set up well-concealed fraud systems.

Threat of Fraud

Your company faces that threat of fraud every day, not only from trusted employees but also from external, intrusive and unknown third parties. The failure to protect your assets adequately from criminal activities may have serious repercussions.

Fraud is not just a one-off occurrence and companies may be subject to repeated attacks by their own employees or outsiders. Collusive fraud, in particular between company employees and suppliers, is on the rise. Crime is real, it is intrusive, it hurts and it is continually growing and evolving.

Who is it for?

CrimeProtector offers comprehensive cover in one policy which may be tailored to the requirements of individual companies. 

What is covered?

Core Cover

1. Employee crime cover
2. Third Party crime cover to include

  • Cheque forgery
  • Computer fraud
  • Corporate card fraud
  • Funds transfer fraud
  • Imitation fraud

Other Features

  • Broad definition of employee to include cover for ex-employees and employees of outsourced functions such as legal services
  • Automatic subsidiary cover available for newly created or acquired subsidiaries during the policy period
  • Broad definition of insured entity to include pension funds and subsidiaries
  • Full retroactive cover available

Additional Benefits

  • Damage, destruction or disappearance of money and securities
  • Damage to property as a result of crime committed within the premises of the insured
  • Contractual and regulatory penalties enforced against the insured which is insurable at law
  • Interest receivable or payable resulting from a loss covered by the policy
  • Fees, costs and expenses including legal fees, investigative specialist fees, reconstitution costs and reputation recovery costs
  • Care, custody and control which the insured is liable for to an individual or organisation in the event of a loss
  • Automatic subsidiary cover for new subsidiaries
  • Bilateral discovery period of 90 days at no additional premium
  • Pre-loss consultant services to assist in risk management