1. Confirmation letter issued by the Golf Club regarding the incident
2. Color Photos showing the damage(s)
3. ORIGINAL purchase receipts of the properties lost or damaged
4. Estimate of repair costs (it should be submitted and approved before making any repair)
5. Police report, if applicable
1. Copy of “Hole-in-one” certificate
2. ORIGINAL payment receipt for one treat of hospitality which should take place WITHIN thirty (30) days of the “Hole-in-one”
1. Confirmation letter issued by the Golf Club certifying that the accident occurred while you were playing or practicing on any regulated golf course
2. Color photos of the damage(s)/the incident scene
3. Details of the involved Third Party(ies) including:-
i). Name of Third Party(ies) and details of damage/injury
ii). Telephone Number
iii). Address
4. Name and Telephone Number of witness(es) (if any)
5. Police report, if any
1. Confirmation letter issued by the golf club certifying that the accident occurred while you were there
2. Medical report(s)
Tips: Ways to submit supporting documents

Available Payment Methods

*Faster Payment System (FPS) is only applicable for claims payment amount under HKD10,000
Yes. To make a claim, you should provide us with the purchase invoice(s), photographs of the damaged item(s), and a letter issued by the golf club certifying the damaged item(s) was damaged on its golf course.
You should submit a completed Claim Form, “Hole-in-one” certificate issued by the golf club and the hospitality receipt within thirty (30) days of the event.
You should submit a completed Claim Form together with an incident report issued by the golf club. If the incident is reported to the police, please submit the police report as well.
- This note is for your guidance only and does not vary the terms of the Policy or form part thereof. AIG reserves the right to amend these requirements or seek additional information to support each claim.
- HKFI Insurance Fraud Prevention Claims Database (IFPCD) details