Claims Center- Car Insurance


Our quick and easy to use online insurance claim process takes away the added stress of filling out forms.
(For Private Auto and Motor Cycle Insurance Only)



*We are now a participant of HKFI Insurance Fraud Prevention Claims Database (IFPCD)

Car Insurance claims - Just 3 minutes to know how to report a claim

We understand you are in urgent for getting help ! Please spend few minutes & follow below simple steps to submit claim to AIG for getting the shortest processing time.#

#This note is for your guidance only and does not vary the terms of the Policy or form part thereof. 

Submission Timeline:

In the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under your Policy, written notice of claim should be given to us within fourteen (14) days together with all relevant documents. 

If you are unsure, you should still notify us of the occurrence.

Step1 - Prepare required documents to expedite the claim handling process

The documents listed below are general documents required for your claim and they are not exhaustive. We may request from you any additional information/documentation document(s), as necessary. 

The submission of an incomplete claim form or insufficient information / document(s) may delay the processing or result in the denial of your claim. 

Please select the type of claim below, and we will let you know what general documents are required for your submission.

1. Copy of Driver’s HKID card and driving license

2. Vehicle Registration Document (both sides required);

3. An estimate of repair costs (It should be submitted and approved by AIG Claims Department before making any repair)

4. Copy of Police report and Police statement, together with rough sketch of the accident

5. Alcoholic Test Report

1. Copy of Driver’s HKID card and driving license

2. Vehicle Registration Document (both sides required);

3. Copy of Police report and Police statement, together with rough sketch of the accident

4. Alcoholic Test Report

5. Colour Photos of the accident scene &/ copy of car camera footage capturing the accident (if any)

6. Details of the involved Third Party(ies) including:-
i). Name of Third Party(ies) and details of damage/injury
ii). Telephone Number
iii). Address
iv). Vehicle plate number, brand and model of vehicle

7. Completed and signed Letter of Consent (click here to download) of the Driver

8. Name and Telephone Number of witness (es) (if any)

You can now enjoy cashless repair and claim services at AIG authorized Key Point Garage.

Click here to view the details of AIG authorized Key Point Garage. 

1. Vehicle Registration Document (both sides required);

2. Color photos of the damage(s) showing the insured car plate and car license

3. ORIGINAL repair receipt 

1. Vehicle Registration Document (both sides required);

2. Copy of Police report and Police statement

3. Completed and signed Letter of Consent (click here) of the Policyholder

1. Copy of Driver’s HKID card and driving license

2. Vehicle Registration Document (both sides required);

3. Copy of Police report and Police statement, together with rough sketch of the accident

4. Alcoholic Test Report

5. ORIGINAL medical receipt(s) and medical report(s) 

Step2 - Submit Claim(s) within 14 Days

Our quick and easy to use online insurance claim process takes away the added stress of filling out forms. Please click here to start the process.*

*For Private Auto and Motor Cycle Insurance Only

Tips:Other ways to submit Claim(s)

Email to
Fax to 2838 9916
Mail to 7/F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Step 3: Review & Settlement

Upon your claim submission, you will receive an acknowledgment SMS or email within 2 working days for your first claim submission.  At the same time, your claim will be processed and our claims adjuster will help you throughout the entire process.

If you have any enquires regarding the status of your submitted claim or claimed benefit, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Hotline on +852 3666 7033, Mondays to Fridays 9:00am to 5:30pm (except public holidays), or contact your insurance agent or broker.

Available Payment Methods

Faster Payment System (FPS)*
Direct credit to Hong Kong Bank Account (HKD account only)

*Faster Payment System (FPS) is only applicable for claims payment amount under HKD10,000

Important notes after an accident / injury

  • Calm down, avoid arguing liability with Third Party driver(s)
  • Always call 999 and report a Traffic Accident to Police IMMEDIATELY if bodily injury(ies) is involved/ WITHIN 24 hours if no bodily injury is involved
  • If Third Patry bodily injury is involved. DO NOT move the vehicle without consent of the Police
  • If the incident is caused by the negligence of the Third Patry(ies), lodge an official complaint to the Police WITHIN ten (10) days
  • NO admission, offer, promise, payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the insured without AIG written consent
  • Summons, police letter or any formulated claim or correspondence from thrid party, must be forwarded to AIG IMMEDIATELY for handling. DO NOT acknowledge or respond.
  • DO NOT commence repair without consent of AIG

Got Some Questions? Read our FAQs now

We follow the recommendations made by motor surveyor and use the second hand market data to arrive at the value of a vehicle of the same type and condition. 

You must report the accident to us immediately.

NCD means “No Claim Discount”. It does not mean “No Blame Discount” or “No Fault Discount”. Your NCD will cease to apply upon claim submission, regardless whether you were at fault in the accident.



  • This note is for your guidance only and does not vary the terms of the Policy or form part thereof. AIG reserves the right to amend these requirements or seek additional information to support each claim.
  • HKFI Insurance Fraud Prevention Claims Database (IFPCD) details

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3666 7033

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